Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Building a strong link with Calthorpe Women's Center

Me, Suzan, and Annika  meet the Calthorpe projet's team.  I was very excited to know more about this women's center. we share a great time within the gardening session, in the big, but beautiful garden. 

Of course, we plan to go again ..... 

Preparing the New Women's Visit (march 2014) ......

Me and Suzan started to visite some women's center essentialy in Camden. 
We went to Crossroads, but also to Hopscoth Asian Women's Center. 

We were so happy to speak about the next women's visit, and why it's so important to meet the Palestinian women, and to share a lot of interesting things.

We are also looking for twelve british particpants to live during ten days a amazing experience.